Thursday 14 November 2013

NEWS: A Collaborative Future for Research Communications

Delegates at the first meet-up

The new Norfolk Network Research Communications Group had their first meet up at the Forum on the 7th November. The session, led by Norfolk Network ambassador Peter Moore Fuller, was attended by over 30 delegates from Norwich Research Park and members of the Norwich SME community.

Matthew Jones, COO of Norwich Research Park opened the event, announcing NRP’s new sponsorship of Norfolk Network and the news that new tenants at NRP would automatically become members of Norfolk Network. Matthew then spoke of the benefit of collaborative working at NRP over many years, giving the example of Beneforte Super Broccoli.

The theme of collaboration continued as break out groups discussed the proposition: “The future of research communication lies in collaboration”. Some amazing written ideas, not to mention infographics, sparked off a lively discussion. 

Guest speaker Zoe Dunford, Communications and Brand Manager for the John Innes Centre, spoke about the need for research journals to use embargoes to help researchers improve their media coverage. This kicked off a debate about the interaction between research and journals. Zoe's blog Embargoes – a seed for bringing science to the masses gives a great introduction to the issues discussed. 

"I'm really pleased with the participation and response so far from the meet-up" says Peter Moore Fuller "there's a lot of enthusiasm to meet again and address topics in greater detail, I've also heard from delegates who made useful connections at the event and are already finding new ways to collaborate".